Date For Love

I saw this list last week about places women don't want to go to on a first date. I saw the list and thought what is wrong with people? Let me explain. Call me old fashioned but I think there are a few places a woman should not go on a first date. The first one is the man's house. For safety reasons. The second place is a church. A church is a place you go to for worship. It's not a dating venue. Can you go visit your significant other's church after dating for a while? Sure, but not on the first date.

Ok. Now ladies, please don't date a man to get into his wallet. Date him to get into his head first. Get into his head to learn how he thinks, to learn about his character and how he speaks. If that goes well, you want to get into his heart and see how he loves. How he loves the women in his life and how he will love you. Because the truth is that money comes and goes, but true love lasts forever. Also ladies, and I know someone is not going to like this but it's the truth. Just because a man has alot of money does not mean he is obligated to spend it on you. Sometimes he's trying to see where you're coming from too.

Ok men, your turn. If you don't want a woman to date you for your wallet, don't date her to bed her. Get in her head before you get her into bed. You need to know how she thinks and what her character is too. Pay attention to who and how she loves. How she loves the men in her life. Deal with her above the neck before getting below her neck. You can have sex with anybody, but you don't make love to everybody.

Date for love people.

Peace and blessings!


The First Year